

Zomig is a brand name for the medication called Zolmitriptan. It is primarily used for the treatment of acute migraine headaches with or without aura. Migraines are intense, recurring headaches that are often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.

Drug Name: Zomig

Active Ingredient: Zolmitriptan

Zomig nasal spray



Form: Nasal Spray

Type: Generic

Prescription Required: Rx

Availability: In Stock

Zomig belongs to a class of drugs known as triptans, which work by binding to certain receptors in the brain and constricting blood vessels. This helps to reduce the inflammation and pain associated with migraines.

It is important to note that Zolmitriptan is not intended for the prevention of migraines or for the treatment of other types of headaches. It should be taken as soon as a migraine attack begins, and it may provide relief within a few hours.

How to use

Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Timing: Take Zomig as soon as you experience the onset of a migraine headache. It is most effective when taken early in the migraine attack.
  2. Administration: Zolmitriptan is available in different formulations, including oral tablets, orally disintegrating tablets, and nasal spray. Follow the specific instructions provided with the prescribed formulation.
  3. Repeat dosing: If your migraine symptoms return after taking the initial dose of Zomig and there is a sufficient time interval between doses, you may take a second dose. However, do not exceed the maximum recommended dose in a 24-hour period.
  4. Keep a headache diary: It can be helpful to keep a record of your migraines, noting the frequency, severity, and response to Zomig.


Here are some general dosage guidelines:

  1. Starting dose: The typical starting dose of Zomig is 2.5 milligrams (mg). This is usually taken as a single dose at the onset of a migraine headache.
  2. Repeat dosing: If your migraine symptoms return after taking the initial dose and there is a sufficient time interval between doses, you may take a second dose of 2.5 mg. However, do not exceed the maximum recommended dose in a 24-hour period.
  3. Maximum daily dose: The maximum recommended daily dose of Zomig is 10 mg. It is important to adhere to this limit to minimize the risk of side effects.

Side effects

Zomig may cause certain side effects, although not everyone experiences them. Here are some common side effects:

  1. Headache: It is possible to experience a headache as a side effect of Zomig. This can be a result of the medication's effects on blood vessels.
  2. Dizziness or drowsiness: Zolmitriptan may cause dizziness or drowsiness in some individuals. It is advised to avoid activities that require alertness, such as driving or operating heavy machinery, until you know how Zomig affects you.
  3. Nausea or vomiting: These gastrointestinal symptoms can occur as side effects of Zomig.
  4. Chest discomfort: Some individuals may experience tightness, pressure, or heaviness in the chest after taking this drug. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience chest discomfort.
  5. Tingling or numbness: Medicine may rarely cause sensations of tingling or numbness, usually in the face or extremities.
  6. Sensitivity to touch or temperature: Some individuals may experience increased sensitivity to touch or temperature after taking Zomig.
  7. Flushing: Flushing, which is a temporary redness or warmth of the skin, can occur as a side effect.


To properly store Zomig, follow these guidelines:

  1. Temperature: Store medicine at room temperature, typically between 20°C and 25°C (68°F and 77°F).
  2. Moisture: Keep the medication in its original packaging to protect it from moisture. Avoid exposing Zomig to excessive humidity or storing it in the bathroom where moisture levels are high.
  3. Light: Protect drug from direct sunlight and excessive light exposure. Store it in a dark place, such as a cabinet or drawer.
  4. Childproofing: Keep Zomig out of the reach of children and pets. Store it in a secure location to prevent accidental ingestion.
  5. Disposal: When disposing of expired or unused tablets, follow your local guidelines or consult a pharmacist for proper disposal methods. Do not dispose of medications in the household trash or flush them down the toilet unless instructed to do so.


In the event of an overdose of Zolmitriptan, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. An overdose can be potentially serious and requires prompt medical intervention. Here's what you should do:

  1. Contact emergency services: Call your local emergency number or go to the nearest emergency room immediately. Inform them that you have taken an overdose of Zomig.
  2. Provide information: If possible, provide details about the amount of Zomig you have taken, when you took it, and any other relevant information. This information can assist them in providing appropriate treatment.
  3. Medical treatment: The medical professionals will take necessary steps to manage the overdose. Treatment may involve supportive measures to stabilize your condition and minimize the absorption of Zomig. They may also monitor your vital signs and provide any necessary medical interventions.
  4. Avoid self-medication: Do not attempt to treat the overdose on your own or induce vomiting.

It is important to seek immediate medical help in the event of a Zomig overdose, even if you do not immediately experience severe symptoms. Always take medications as prescribed and adhere to the recommended dosage to minimize the risk of an overdose.

Missed Doses

If you miss a dose of Zomig, follow these general guidelines:

  1. Take it as soon as you remember: If you miss a dose and remember it within a reasonable timeframe, take the missed dose as soon as possible.
  2. Do not double dose: Do not take a double dose to make up for the missed one. Only take the prescribed dose and continue with your regular dosing schedule.
  3. Follow your regular dosing schedule: Continue taking Zomig as prescribed. It is important to maintain a consistent dosing schedule to effectively manage your migraines.
  4. Prevention is key: To avoid missed doses, it may be helpful to set reminders or use tools such as pill organizers to ensure you take your medication as prescribed.

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