

Cardarone is the brand name for a medication called amiodarone. It is a prescription medication used to treat certain types of irregular heart rhythms, particularly ventricular arrhythmias. Amiodarone belongs to a class of drugs known as antiarrhythmics.

Drug Name: Cardarone

Active Ingredient: Aripiprazole

Cardarone tablets



Form: Tablet

Type: Generic

Prescription Required: Rx

Availability: In Stock

Amiodarone works by affecting the electrical activity of the heart, helping to restore and maintain a normal heart rhythm. It is often used when other medications or treatments have been ineffective or when a more severe arrhythmia requires intervention.

Cardarone is typically used to treat ventricular arrhythmias, which are abnormal heart rhythms that originate in the lower chambers of the heart (ventricles). It may also be used to manage atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter, which are irregular heart rhythms originating in the upper chambers of the heart (atria).

How to use

Here are some general guidelines on how to use Cardarone:

  1. Take as prescribed: Take medicament exactly as prescribed. Do not take more or less than the recommended dose, and do not stop taking the medication.
  2. Timing of administration: Cardarone is usually taken once or twice daily, with or without food.
  3. Swallow the tablet whole: Take the tablet with a full glass of water. Do not crush, break, or chew the tablet, as it is designed to release the medication slowly over time.
  4. Use a pill organizer if needed: If you find it helpful, you can use a pill organizer to keep track of your Cardarone doses. This can assist in remembering to take the medication consistently.
  5. Do not skip doses: Take this drug regularly as prescribed. If you accidentally miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is close to the time for your next scheduled dose, skip the missed dose and resume your regular dosing schedule. Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed one.
  6. Do not stop abruptly: It is important not to stop taking Cardarone abruptly. Stopping the medication suddenly can increase the risk of rebound arrhythmias.


Here are some general guidelines regarding the dosage of Cardarone:

  1. Recommended dosage: The usual starting dose of Cardarone for adults is typically between 800 to 1,600 milligrams (mg) per day, divided into two or three smaller doses.
  2. Maintenance dose: Once your condition stabilizes, your doctor may adjust the dosage to a maintenance dose, which is usually between 400 to 800 mg per day, also divided into two or three smaller doses. The goal is to find the lowest effective dose that maintains a normal heart rhythm.
  3. Timing of administration: Medicine is usually taken once or twice daily, with or without food.
  4. Duration of treatment: The duration of Cardarone treatment will depend on the condition being treated and individual factors. It may be used for a short-term or long-term basis.

Side effects

Cardarone can cause certain side effects in some individuals. While not everyone experiences side effects, it is important to be aware of potential adverse reactions. Common side effects may include:

  1. Nausea and vomiting: Some people may experience nausea or vomiting while taking Cardarone. Taking the medication with food or dividing the doses throughout the day may help alleviate these symptoms.
  2. Fatigue: Medicine can cause fatigue or a general feeling of tiredness. It is important to get adequate rest and avoid activities that require alertness if you feel excessively tired.
  3. Skin changes: Amiodarone may cause changes in skin color, such as a bluish-gray discoloration, particularly on sun-exposed areas.
  4. Sensitivity to sunlight: Some individuals may experience increased sensitivity to sunlight while taking Cardarone. It is advisable to use sunscreen, wear protective clothing, and limit sun exposure to reduce the risk of sunburn.
  5. Thyroid problems: Cardarone can affect thyroid function, leading to an overactive or underactive thyroid.
  6. Lung complications: In rare cases, Cardarone can cause lung-related side effects, such as pulmonary fibrosis or inflammation of the lungs.
  7. Liver problems: Medication can rarely cause liver complications.
  8. Eye-related effects: Amiodarone can cause vision changes, including blurred vision or sensitivity to light.


To store Cardarone properly, follow these guidelines:

  1. Temperature: Store medicine at room temperature, ideally between 68°F (20°C) and 77°F (25°C). Avoid exposing the medication to extreme temperatures, such as freezing or excessive heat.
  2. Moisture: Keep Cardarone in its original tightly closed container to protect it from moisture. Avoid storing it in the bathroom or any area with high humidity. Moisture can affect the stability and effectiveness of the medication.
  3. Light: Protect pharmaceutical product from direct sunlight or excessive light exposure. Store it in a cool, dry place away from windows or areas with intense light.
  4. Childproof container: Make sure to keep Cardarone in a childproof container and store it out of reach of children. Medications should always be stored in a secure location to prevent accidental ingestion.
  5. Proper labeling: Keep pills in its original packaging or container with the appropriate labeling intact. This helps to identify the medication and provides important information, such as expiration date and dosage instructions.
  6. Expiration date: Check the expiration date on the packaging and do not use Cardarone beyond that date. Expired medications may not be as effective and can potentially be harmful.
  7. Disposal: When disposing of Amiodarone, follow proper disposal guidelines. Do not flush it down the toilet or pour it down the drain unless instructed to do so.


An overdose of Cardarone can be serious and potentially life-threatening. If you suspect an overdose or if someone has taken more than the prescribed amount of Cardarone, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. Here are some important points to consider regarding an overdose:

  1. Contact emergency services: Call your local emergency helpline or go to the nearest emergency room immediately if you suspect an overdose of Cardarone. Time is critical in such situations.
  2. Provide necessary information: When seeking medical help, provide information about the medication taken, the dosage strength, and the amount ingested.
  3. Symptoms of overdose: Symptoms of a Amiodarone overdose may include severe dizziness, extreme fatigue, low blood pressure, irregular heart rhythm, fainting, difficulty breathing, or loss of consciousness. It is important to inform the medical professionals about any symptoms experienced.
  4. Do not induce vomiting: Unless instructed to do so by medical professionals, do not attempt to induce vomiting. Vomiting may not effectively remove the medication from the body and can potentially cause further harm.

Missed Doses

If you miss a dose of Cardarone, here are some guidelines to follow:

  1. Take the missed dose as soon as you remember: If you realize that you missed a dose, take it as soon as possible. However, if it is close to the time for your next scheduled dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular dosing schedule. Do not take a double dose to make up for the missed one.
  2. Do not take extra doses: Taking extra doses of Cardarone to make up for missed doses is not recommended. It is important to maintain the prescribed dosage and schedule to ensure the medication remains effective and to avoid the risk of potential side effects or complications.
  3. Set reminders: To help remember to take your doses consistently, you may find it helpful to set reminders or alarms on your phone, use a pill organizer, or incorporate Cardarone into your daily routine at a specific time. This can assist in maintaining a regular dosing schedule.

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